
작성일 : 19-01-29 15:17
 글쓴이 : 최고관리자
조회 : 327  

Hello? Welcome to Evergreen Tech's homepage! 

Precision casting by roasting wax method Specialized manufacturer of parts and materials World-leading technology EVERGREEN TECH

 We aim to be a valuable company and challenge with passion.
As the position of manufacturing becomes increasingly unstable, I always think like this.

"If we produce and export good products in our country where resources are scarce, 
will not it contribute to national development and human development a little bit?"
The root industry must work in the most difficult and difficult working environment
It is an indispensable and important industry.

I will keep my hard and hard-rooted industry by sweating silently with all employees.
I will plant every soul for each product carefully.
Our professionals work with our customers to develop, With good quality and prompt delivery
with competitive pricing and We will create a company that grows together with our customers. 

Thank you.